
DICOM-RST requires configuration before it can run in your environment.

This configuration will be loaded from a file named config.yaml next to the binary.

When using Docker, you can use volumes to mount a local config file into the container. In the container, the config file is always located in the root directory. The :ro option will mount the file into the container as read-only.

services: dicom-rst: image: ghcr.io/umessen/dicom-rst:v0.2.1 ports: - "8080:8080" - "7001:7001" volumes: - ./dicom-rst.yaml:/config.yaml:ro
docker run \ -p 8080:8080 \ -p 7001:7001 \ -v ./dicom-rst.yaml:/config.yaml:ro \ ghcr.io/umessen/dicom-rst:latest

Example Config

The following configuration provides all relevant settings. As a starting point, you can copy this configuration and adapt it to your needs.

telemetry: sentry: https://sentry.local/dsn level: INFO server: aet: DICOM-RST http: interface: port: 8080 max-upload-size: 50000000 request-timeout: 60000 graceful-shutdown: true dimse: - aet: DICOM-RST interface: port: 7001 uncompressed: true aets: - aet: MY-PACS host: port: 4242 backend: DIMSE pool: size: 16 timeout: 10000 qido-rs: timeout: 10000 stow-rs: timeout: 10000 wado-rs: timeout: 30000 mode: concurrent receivers: - DICOM-RST # see server.dimse.aet

Telemetry Config

telemetry: sentry: https://sentry.local/dsn level: INFO

The Sentry DSN. If empty or not present, this will disable Sentry.


The logging level. Possible values are (sorted by verbosity):


  • WARN

  • INFO



Global Server Config

server: aet: DICOM-RST

The AET that should be used by DICOM-RST as the calling AET. When using the DIMSE backend, make sure that this AET is whitelisted by the called AET.

HTTP Server Config

server: http: interface: port: 8080 max-upload-size: 50000000 request-timeout: 60000 graceful-shutdown: true

The interface the HTTP server should bind to. Uses by default.


The port for the HTTP server. Uses 8080 by default.


The maximum allowed request body size in bytes. This setting can be used to limit the upload size of STOW-RS requests.


The maximum allowed (total) time for a HTTP request in milliseconds before a timeout occurs. This applies to all endpoints.


If enabled, DICOM-RST will wait for outstanding requests to complete before stopping the process. Shutdowns will take no longer than the request timeout configured by server.http.request.timeout. If disabled, the process is stopped immediately, which will potentially lead to incomplete responses for outstanding requests.

DIMSE Server Config

When using the DIMSE backend, a running STORE-SCP is required to receive incoming DICOM instances. You can spawn multiple DIMSE server that will act as the STORE-SCP.

server: dimse: - aet: MY-STORE-SCP interface: port: 7001 uncompressed: true

The AET for this DIMSE server. Make sure that this AET is whitelisted and is a valid destination for C-MOVEs.


The interface this DIMSE server should bind to.


The port for this DIMSE server.


If enabled, the DIMSE server will propose uncompressed transfer syntaxes only. We've encountered some PACS that will happily accept compressed transfer syntaxes, but throw an internal exception when compressing before sending it to the STORE-SCP. Enforcing a uncompressed transfer syntax will fix this.

DICOMweb Config

aets: - aet: EXAMPLE backend: DIMSE # <…> qido-rs: timeout: 3000 wado-rs: timeout: 3000 stow-rs: timeout: 3000

Each AET (regardless of the backend) has additional settings specific to the DICOMweb endpoints.


How many milliseconds to wait until a QIDO-RS request should time out. This is the timeout for a single operation (e.g. receiving a DIMSE-C response primitive). If you want to set a timeout for the total execution time, use the server.http.request-timeout option instead.


How many milliseconds to wait until a WADO-RS request should time out. This is the timeout for a single operation (e.g. receiving a DIMSE-C response primitive). If you want to set a timeout for the total execution time, use the server.http.request-timeout option instead. Consult the conformance statement of your PACS to see how often a C-MOVE-RSP is returned and adapt this option accordingly. If a C-MOVE-RSP is returned every 20 seconds, set this to 30 seconds (20s + 10s leeway) for example.


DIMSE-backend only: Some PACS do not include the MoveOriginatorMessageId attribute in their C-STORE-RQ messages. This makes it hard to assign incoming C-STORE-RQ responses to an active C-MOVE operation. As a workaround, you can set the receive mode to sequential to disable concurrent C-MOVEs. Throughput will be limited, but it will work reliably. Consider increasing the timeouts when using the sequential mode. Most PACS can and should use the concurrent mode.

  • concurrent: C-MOVE requests are processed concurrently.

  • sequential: C-MOVE requests are processed sequentially.


DIMSE-backend only: A list of AETs for STORE-SCPs that can act as the receiver for this AET. The AET must match with a value from server.dimse.aet.


How many milliseconds to wait until a STOW-RS request should time out. This is the timeout for a single operation (e.g. receiving a DIMSE-C response primitive). If you want to set a timeout for the total execution time, use the server.http.request-timeout option instead.

S3 Backend Config

The following options are available if the S3 backend is selected:

aets: - aet: RESEARCH backend: S3 endpoint: http://dicom.s3.local endpoint-style: vhost bucket: research region: local concurrency: 32 credentials: access-key: ABC123 secret-key: topSecret

The endpoint where the S3 compatible storage is available


The bucket to access. We recommend this to be the same as the AET.


The region of the S3 bucket. Set this to a dummy value (like "local") if this is not required. Most S3 implementations require a region, even though it doesn't make sense for on-premise deployments.


The access key for S3 authentication. For anonymous access, remove the entire credentials object from your config.


The secret key for S3 authentication. For anonymous access, remove the entire credentials object from your config.


The maximum allowed amount of concurrent S3 operations. Increasing the amount of concurrency will massively improve throughput.


Sets the URL access style. Defaults to vhost. Allowed values are:

DIMSE Backend Config

The following options are available if the DIMSE backend is selected:

aets: - aet: RESEARCH backend: DIMSE host: port: 11112 pool: size: 32 timeout: 30000

The host address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the external AET that should be called by DICOM-RST.


The port of the external AET that should be called by DICOM-RST.


The size of the connection pool. This sets the amount of concurrency, as there will be at most pool.size concurrent connections.


The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for a new connection from the pool. If the pool size is 2 and there are already 2 active connections, a third request will wait until one of the currently active connections is returned to the pool.

Last modified: 31 July 2024